Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Barnes and Noble Bookfair

A reminder that The Barnes and Noble Book Fair is this Sunday from 2-4 pm on Transit and Main Street in Williamsville.  Many fun activities are planned including an art exhibit featuring our snowman masterpieces, scavenger hunt, story time, and crafts. Please spread the word to friends and family and be sure to bring your shopping vouchers as every purchase that afternoon in the store benefits our classroom.
Thanks in advance!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Important Dates...

Important Upcoming Dates:

Thursday 11/21 NO SCHOOL
Friday 11/22 Parent Conferences in the Kenan Arena Conference Room NO SCHOOL for children
Thursday and Friday 11/28 and 29 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday
Saturday 11/30 Family DIY Outing in classroom at 1pm

Wednesday 12/18  December Parent Breakfast at 9am
Friday 12/20 Last Day of school before Christmas break!

Just a reminder that we will be DIY constructing here in the classroom on Saturday November 30th at 1pm. The Home Depot donated 24 kits for our students to build either a picture frame or a mini bulletin board ! Each family will need to bring a hammer and a Phillipshead screwdriver.
Please lmk if you plan on attending...Thanks so much!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Holiday Gift Show

The children will be displaying and selling masterpieces at The Kenan Holiday Gift Show the weekend of November 22-24th. We are asking each family to please donate a medium to large sized Mason jar for our craft. If you have more than one we will gladly accept! Thanks so very much :)
We have re-scheduled the Firetruck visit for this Wednesday at 9:15 am...HOORAY!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A few reminders for the week...

Friday is the last day to submit "For Small Hands" catalog orders in order to receive free shipping with our group order. Please be sure to make your check payable to The Kenan Center with "For Small Hands" in the memo...Thank you!

Saturday is our re-scheduled trip to Kelkenburg Farm at 11 am. Cross your fingers for some sunshine! Hope to see you there.

Lastly...SAVE THE DATE... We will be hosting a Book Fair at Barnes and Noble on Sunday December 8th from 2-4 pm. More information to follow...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Due to the weather we are cancelling the Kelkenburg Farm trip for today :(
The tentative rain date is Saturday October 19th.
More information to follow.
See you on Monday.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October ALREADY!

Happy October everyone!
Our classroom had its monthly makeover and children have been enjoying all things Halloween, Fire Safety, and learning about the "pink continent" of South America.
A few reminders...
Tomorrow is our first "Share Day". Please be sure to bring in something that begins with our Sound of the Week which is /a/ like apple.
Also, if you have not done so already, please RSVP for our Kelkenburg Farm trip ASAP...and cross your fingers and toes for a beautiful day!
Lastly...please be sure to complete and return the survey that was sent home in your child's folder. Your opinions and suggestions are greatly appreciated and will help to make our next school year a great one.

Monday, September 23, 2013

We have been working so very hard in the classroom getting acclimated to the routine, getting to know each other and exploring apples...making apple prints, cellophane apple suncatchers, and will taste various apples on Friday to see which is our classroom favorite!
Please let us know if you would be interested in assisting us in making crockpot applesauce next week....we will need some help washing, peeling, chopping and stirring!
Also, please be sure to sign up for our October Family outing at Kelkenburg Farm on Saturday 10/5 at 10am...see Family Outing page for more details.
Thank you so very much for making the transition for your child during the last few weeks a great experience. We look forward to a wonderful school year together!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Can you believe...only 22 more sleeps until the first day of school!
Stay tuned for pictures of our classroom coming soon.
:) Mrs. Anzalone

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Phase-In for the first week of school

Wednesday Sept. 4th        New children attend with an adult from 8:45-10 or 10:30-11:45

Thursday Sept. 5th   New children attend without an adult from 8:45-10 or 10:30-11:45

Friday Sept. 6th       New children attend for the full three hour session 8:45-11:45

Monday Sept. 9th    Returning children begin for the full three hour session

Please call the Kenan business office at 433-2617 to indicate which time would work best for your family on Wednesday and Thursday