Thursday, November 13, 2014

Something to begin thinking about…Currently enrolled families will have first priority for re-enrollment for the fall. Registration for those of you that wish to return will begin on Tuesday January 20th. New families will have the option to register at our public Open House that will take place on Saturday January 31st from 1-4pm. Please spread the word to family and friends about our program…your recommendation is our best form of advertising!
Returning families that refer a friend that enrolls for the 15-16 school year will receive a $50 tuition voucher.



Friday, October 24, 2014

Halloween scoop...

Just a reminder that our Parent Breakfast is this coming Wednesday from 9-10:30 am. We invite you to join us in the Taylor Theater Meeting Room for a light holiday breakfast followed by some spooky work in our classroom. Children may wear their costumes and adults are welcome to join in the dress up fun as well. Please be sure to RSVP on the clipboard in the entranceway. Hope you can join us!
If you would like to bring in a packaged treat to share on Friday we will be Trick or Treating in the classroom. Please be sure to keep in mind that all shared treats must be peanut-free. We will be Trick or Treating in the Kenan house on Friday morning as well.

Friday, September 5, 2014

What a successful week we had!
Thank you for being both flexible and trusting of our Phase-In process this week. Children did such a wonderful job acclimating to the environment. They will continue to become more comfortable in the coming weeks but don’t worry if there should be a few “bumps in the road”. We will be sure to take great care of them each day and here are some things you can do to assist in making the school year a fabulous one:
Arriving promptly at drop off (8:45 a.m.) and dismissal (11:45 a.m.)
Knowing teachers names: Mrs. Anzalone, Ms. Struckmann, Mrs. DiMillo
Keeping informed of our classroom happenings via reading newsletters, Ringya messages, classroom blog, and FaceBook posts
Asking specific questions about their day will elicit productive dialogue:
·       What was your favorite piece of work today?
·       What two things did you eat for snack?
·       Which friends sat next to you at circle time?
·       What job did you choose today?
·       What songs did you sing this morning?
·       What lesson did you ask for today?
·       What book did a teacher read this morning?
·       What work did you put in your folder today?
Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help. Thank you for sharing your children with us each day. We look forward to a great learning adventure this year!
Jennifer, Rachel, and Michelle

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Phase-In schedule

Here is the schedule we will follow for the first week of school:
Wednesday September 3rd         8:45-10:15 a.m.        New children attend with an adult present
Thursday September 4th               8:45-10:15 a.m.       New children attend without an adult present
Friday September 5th                    8:45-11:45 a.m.       New children attend for the full three hour session
Monday September 8th                8:45-11:45 a.m.       Returning children begin for the three hour session

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Join us?

We currently have space available for the 14-15 school year...
if you are interested for your child(ren) please call the Kenan Business Office
at 433-2617 to set up a personal tour today!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Memorial Day

There is no school Friday 5/23 and Monday 5/26.
Enjoy your long weekend!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


If anyone would like to adopt Maude, our African Water frog, over spring break please let us know.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

St Patrick's Day

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

A fun day was had today… Lauren’s mom read Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham and we even ate them for snack today…DELISH!  We had fun with tattoos, face paint and even had a leprechaun hunt! We will be feasting upon green foods for the rest of the week…cucumbers, celery, green jello, and green vanilla yogurt.

On Wednesday we are “Going Blue for Ben”… in honor of a Clarence family who is dealing with their 4 year old son’s struggle with a rare form of brain cancer. Please be sure to dress your child in blue for a class photograph on Wednesday. We will be collecting coins for the Sauer family…if you’d like to donate please do so by Friday. The jar will be in the entranceway.

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Dr. Louis Surace, pediatric dentist, will be visiting our classroom tomorrow morning. He will be chatting with us about keeping our teeth healthy. We look forward to his visit :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

NO SCHOOL...again!

Lockport City Schools are closed today, Wednesday January 29th, because of adverse weather conditions. The entire Kenan Campus will be closed as well. Priority registration for the fall will resume on Thursday.
See you then!

Monday, January 27, 2014


Lockport City Schools have closed for tomorrow, Tuesday January 28th, because of adverse weather conditions. The entire Kenan Campus will be closed as well. Priority registration for the fall will resume on Wednesday.
Stay cozy and warm!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


We will be having an Open House for the public on Saturday February 1st from 1-4:00 pm.
All are welcome to tour our environment, meet teachers, ask questions and register for the fall!
Please RSVP with the Kenan  Business office @ 433-2617