Monday, September 12, 2016


What a successful week we had!

Thank you for being both flexible and trusting of our Phase-In process this week. Children did such a wonderful job acclimating to the environment. They will continue to become more comfortable in the coming weeks but don’t worry if there should be a few “bumps in the road”. We will be sure to take great care of them each day and here are some things you can do to assist in making the school year a fabulous one:

Arriving promptly at drop off (8:45 a.m.) and dismissal (11:45 a.m.)

Knowing teachers names: Mrs. Anzalone, Miss Graves, and Mrs. Silsby

Keeping informed of our classroom happenings via reading monthly newsletters, classroom blog, and Facebook posts

Asking specific questions about their day may elicit productive dialogue:

·       What was your favorite piece of work today?

·       What two things did you eat for snack?

·       Which friends sat next to you at circle time?

·       What job did you choose today?

·       What songs did you sing this morning?

·       What lesson did you ask for today?

·       What book did a teacher read this morning?

·       What work did you put in your folder today?

Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help. Thank you for sharing your children with us each day. We look forward to a great learning adventure this year!

Jennifer, Sharyn, and Brandi

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